So i go outside to throw out a dirty diaper. And all the sudden i feel something VERY sharp...
I look and find and a small and sharp rock stuck rather deep into my foot! I pulled it out and it looked like some of it had stuck into my foot (like a splinter). i clean my foot and it was just dirt. but it does start to bleed rather profusely.
Im a wuss and have no pain tolerance. I stuck a bandaid on the "owie" but it hurt to put any weight on it. So i put on 2 socks, still not enough padding, 2 more still not enough padding..........6 socks and a badnaid later and im walking tall again(as tall as i can walk im only 5'3 after all).
Shiver! I feel for you, girl. We 5'3" peeps gotta stick together. I have crutches if you need 'em. J/K. :o
Sounds like that hurt! Are you really 5'3? I thought I was taller than you (I'm 5'2 1/4 or 5'3).
Not fun at all. I think you and Celeste have the same threshold for pain . . .Zero tolerance! Hope you didn't loose any blood circulaion with that 6th sock!
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