Saturday, March 21, 2009

KIds say the darndest things.

I made tex-mex soup the other day.

Hayden:(after seeing the black beans) "look momma its m&ms in the soup!"

Somtimes corbins gets super bossy and decides he's in charge:

Me: corbin who made you the boss?

Corbin(laughing hysterically) HAYDEN!!!

ME: Hayden you are so cute!

Hayden: Im not cute im hayden
ps corbin said this all the time when he was haydens age "im not ____ im corbin"


Ash Kelley said...

what a bunch of silly gooses!!!

Jessica Speed said...

That we neat if they were M&M's. I'd take them out and eat them first and then eat the soup!

Jessica Speed said...

The "we" is supposed to be "would be." Sorry.