Saturday, March 20, 2010

6 Yr Annivesary

Today,david and i celebrate our 6th annivesary. So, in light of that, here are 6 reasons why i love this man.

1~His strong work ethics
2~ he is the father i always dreamed of for my children
3~ he works hard rain or shine to provide for our family
4~he chose me to be his eternal companion
5~ he makes me laugh~ i love his sense of humor
6~he is one of the most generous and loving people i know


The Little Reporters! said...

CONGRATS Tosh and Dave!

Diane Bromley said...

I can't believe how fast time is passing. I remember your wedding like it was yesterday. I am really remembering it now doing Amber's but this one is even harder. We didn't have to worry about how the house and yard looked at the ward building. lol