Friday, August 29, 2008

I have a what? where? not again!

So today was my 3rd appointment this week with my ob/gyn. I had made an apt b/c i had been feeling really crummy the begining of this week. By wed i realized i had these symptoms before. So, i went in to my obgyn. She saw something and wanted to do a follow up ultra sound the next day. The next day the ultra sound tech told me what i had thought. I had a cyst on my left ovary. I also had free fluid around it. SO my ob/gyn told me this morning that i had probably had 2 cysts and one had burst~ thus the free fluid.
Not very fun to say the least. These 2 were a lot more painful then my last~ thats right this isnt my first ro~day~o cowboy!
Im on pain medicine, but she said if the pain is still there by next week and the pain meds arent doing there job, she wants to do outpatient surgery.
So there you have it! Needless to say my housework etc has suffered this week but i think i have a pretty vaild excuse?
I will keep ya'll posted!
PS~ i didnt post pics with this blog for obvious reasons :)


The Morgans said...

I hope you start feeling better soon!

Jessica Speed said...

So sorry Tosh. Hope the meds do their job!