Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Removing ourselves from Un~Godliness

Our high council speaker gave a really good talk in sacrament yesterday about "removing ourselves from Un~Godliness" and giving up things that we know are bad for us.

That really hit home for me, it's something ive been wanting to change about myself for sometime. To me part of the word of wisdom is keeping our bodys clean inside and out, and that means eating things that are good for us, and will keep our bodys strong and mind sharp. As most of you know i dont have the best eating habits in the world, and im not as physically strong as i'd like to be.
I keep telling myself, this week i will start the change, then that week goes by, ok so this week i will start, then that week goes by. You get the picture.
After hearing the talk yesterday i KNEW that was the "push" looking for.
Im happy to report it went well this morning, and im on my way to "removing" myself.


Jessica Speed said...

That's great Tosh!

Ash Kelley said...

more power to you thats awesome!

Trish said...

Way to go Natasha! You're inspiring me... been buying way too much candy lately. Ugh! And I'm always up late. Sleep is a good way to remove myself.

The Cookie Grandma said...

'wonderful. Just take one a day at a time